Friday, July 13, 2012

MDA OPEN JAM @ CC's & NEW Instructional Videos & MORE!


Hello Fans, 

     Just a reminder about tomorrow's MDA
Open Jam & Fajitas at CC's from Noon to 
4 PM (Saturday) in Lubbock Texas ~ Come out & 
show your support for MDA ~ I'll be 
playing Solo Guitar & with Judy Johnson 

      Also I'm being LOCKED UP for MDA 
on July 19th at 1PM ~ The first 20 Donors to 
my MDA PAGE will receive 4 FREE Guitar 
Lessons at my Studio & Donors of $1,000 or 
more will receive a 30 Minute Concert 
at their home or venue in West Texas. 
A Big Thanks to those who have already 
donated!  You can DONATE HERE.

      AND here are my NEW Instructional 
Videos ~ 'World's Best Guitar Exercises'
(I have many more of these to do, this is 
just a start) & 'Rhythm Jam Videos' 
(You can jam your scales now along with 
these videos) Here is the Video LINK Page.
If you have more ideas for instructional 
videos let me know! 

      And finally, I don't normally do this in 
my newsletters, but I have a friend who needs 
some help. They want to start a Welding business 
and is asking if anyone has used equipment 
to sell at a discount or donate. My friend needs 
a  Miller Bobcat 225 and a Miller Matic 140 and a Victor cutting torch. If you would like to sell or donate 
these items Call 806 747 6108 to let me know 
or email me at

      That's all Fans, have a great weekend! Susan



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